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Mala Bracelet

21 Bead Mala Bracelet 

Protect my Energy

Evil Eye Protection bracelet.  


Baby bracelet

Protection bracelets for babies

Protect my Energy

Rose Quartz and Turquoise stretch bracelet with gold plated charm

Cowrie Shell bracelet

Whoever is patient with a cowrie shell will one day have thousands of them"

-Hausa proverb 

Dainty stackable chakra bracelets [sold individually]

Chakras, simply put are energy centers throughout your body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. Each chakra can be visualized as a spinning whirl…

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Amazonite Bracelet

Amazonite empowers self-expression by activating the Throat chakra💙 it also protects against EMF emissions 

Morganite stretch bracelet

Morganite is one of the most powerful heart stones🩷, creating an Aura of Calm and Relaxing energy

Picture Jasper stretch bracelet

Picture Jasper is said to help us connect with Earth and its energies with energies. Being a Third Eye Chakra stone🤎 it enhances and opens intuition.

Cherry quartz stretch bracelet

Cherry quartz is considered the ‘stone of hope.’ Presenting  a possibility of tomorrow. It promotes maintaining a healthy balance in life.

Showing items 25-36 of 44