Dainty stackable chakra bracelets [sold individually]

Dainty stackable chakra bracelets [sold individually]

R 125

Chakras, simply put are energy centers throughout your body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. Each chakra can be visualized as a spinning whirl where energy flows in a spiraling vortex. Emotional imbalance and stress block the energy that flows freely from one chakra to the next. This can create and illusion of separation or fear, in fact any negative emotion...

You can balance your chakras if they ever become stuck, in order to bring harmony back into your life. When the energy can circulate throughout your body you may find that you become more creative, focused and fulfilled.

Chakra bracelets help balance the energy points in the body. They are often made with seven different stones/crystals. Wear them to heal and promote a positive energy flow, or simply as a fashion statement.

*Sold individually 

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